Thursday, December 17, 2009
Helping Children Understand Authority
Dr. Tedd Tripp
Last night in our Vertical Parenting class we focused on respect for parents and authority. This morning a link to this video was sent to my twitter feed via Pastor Mark Driscoll's blog. Dr. Tripp came to High Point
Church in November of 2007 to teach this very material and it is EXCELLENT!
Grab a cup of coffee and your dessert of choice and take an hour well spent to watch this video preferably with pen and paper in hand to take some notes. Enjoy!
Monday, December 14, 2009
16 Daddy Christmas Tips
Dad needs...
- a plan for the holidays to ensure his family is loved and memories are made. Dad, what’s your plan?
- to check the local guides for what’s going on to make fun holiday plans for the family.
- to carve out time for sacred events and experiences to build family traditions that are fun and point to Jesus. Dad, is your calendar ready for December?
- to not let the stress of the holidays, including money, cause him to be grumpy with Mom or the kids. Dad, how’s your joy?
- to give experiences and not just gifts. Dad, what special memories can you make this holiday season?
- to manage the extended family and friends during the holidays. Dad, who or what do you need to say “no” to?
- to ensure his family is giving generously during the holidays. Dad, who in need is your family going to adopt and bless?
- to schedule a big Christmas daddy date with his daughter. Dad, what’s your big plan for the fancy daddy date?
- to schedule guy time with his son. Dad, what are you and your son going to do that is active, outdoors, and fun?
- to help Mom get the house decorated. Dad, are you really a big help to Mom with getting things ready?
- to ensure some holiday smells and sounds. Dad, is Christmas music on the iPod, is the tree up, and can you smell cookies and cider in your house?
- to snuggle up and watch some fun shows with the kids, especially the little ones. Dad, is the DVR set?
- to take the family on a drive to see Christmas lights while listening to music and sipping cider. Dad, is it mapped out?
- to help Mom get the kids’ rooms decorated. Dad, do the little kids get lights or a small tree in their room?
- to read about Jesus and pray over his kids. Dad, how’s your pastoral work going with each of your kids?
- to repent of being lazy, selfish, grumpy, or just dumping the holidays on Mom. Dad, are you a servant like Jesus to your family?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A Worthy Goal
---Francis Chan
Monday, December 7, 2009
Are You Prepared???
...always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you;
If you had to right now could you share the Gospel with someone? As the scripture says, are you "prepared to make a defense" for the hope that you have? Do you truly believe that apart from Christ a person has no hope for eternity?
Penn Jillette, a strong atheist from the famous duo Penn and Teller said in a recent blog, "How much do you have to hate someone to believe that everlasting life is possible and not tell them?" He then goes on to say, and I am summarizing here, if I saw a truck barreling down on you and was about to crush you at some point I would have to tackle you and get you out of the way! Pretty profound comments from someone who says that he is convinced that there is no God!
If we truly believe that there is a heaven and a hell and if a person does not repent and put their faith in Jesus then what is stopping us? Hell is much worse than getting hit by that truck...and it's forever! The fact that it could be socially awkward should not be a reason to hold back. I believe fear plays a big part here. I can say that because fear has held me back before. I still struggle with it. One thing has helped me in overcoming that fear and that is being prepared!
There are many quality resourses out there that will help you to give an accurate presentation of the gospel. One of my favorites is found at You may recognize Kirk Cameron from Growing Pains and more recently the movie Fireproof. I encourage you to take the time to watch the video that starts when you go to the homepage. Then click on "1", "2" and especially "3" where you will hear the message "Hell's Best Kept Secret."
Another good resource is Sharing Jesus Without Fear which can be found at
Take some time and get yourself ready. Know your scriptures, prepare a plan and let God do the talking. Present the facts and with God's help you will bring someone to a point of accepting the truth or rejecting it. Keep in mind It is not our job to sell someone on Jesus. It is not our job to convince people. That's God's job! (John 6:44) The power is in the message! We are just the messengers and it is our responsibility to KNOW and bring that message!
Go and share your faith...while you still have time!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
The Fruit Fly....Revisited
That being said, when our children come to us with questions about God our first response should ALWAYS be to go to His VERY OWN WORDS to see what he says about Himself. It has to start there! We must teach our children that the bible is the very breath of God and one of the reasons He gave us His Word is to teach us. (2 Timothy 3:16)
After re-reading the post it was obvious that it was void of what God says about His omnipresence so I thought it was important to revisit the question and let God speak for Himself! "Daddy, How does God hear and see everything at the same time? How do I know that He hears me?" Because He says so in His Word! Let's see what He has to say!
Hebrews 4:12-13
12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Proverbs 15:3
The eyes of the Lord are in every place,
keeping watch on the evil and the good.
Deuteronomy 4:39
know therefore today, and lay it to your heart, that the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other.
Jeremiah 23:23-24
"Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God afar off? Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the Lord. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the Lord.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Two-Thirds Gone
We are in Pittsburgh for the Thanksgiving holiday and we are staying at my mother-in-law's house. It is a smaller house so my 3 girls are sharing a bedroom. It's a little tight so the first night it didn't take them long to get irritated with each other. I used it as a chance to remind them that in 6 short years the oldest of the 3 could be on her way to college and they wouldn't always have the chance to do fun things like this because she might not be living with us anymore.. Well that made one of my girls cry. (I have to admit it was nice to see) Then it hit me. That applies to me as well. She will be 12 soon which means she is two-thirds gone if she goes to college at 18. Talk about a sobering moment.
So, when our kids say, "Daddy, come play with me." or "Daddy, will you read to me?" ask yourself if what you are doing is really that important. When they want to talk but you just want them to go to bed, be thankful that they still want to talk. If they aren't getting attention from you, know that they WILL eventually find it elsewhere.
So, have you been telling yourself that you were going to make a better effort at reading the bible to your children or doing family devotions or praying together with your wife but the days, weeks and months go by and nothing changes? What is getting in the way? Ask yourself this question.
This time next year, what would you like your child to be?
a) a better athlete
b) a better student
c) closer to God and love Him more.
If you had to chose one and ONLY one which would it be?
Did you choose?
Most likely it was 'c'. Be closer to God and love Him more.
Now ask yourself, did the way you spent your time in 2009 move your child towards that goal? If not what can you change?
Monday, November 23, 2009
"Our Duty in Serving Christ Lies Always Near to Our Hand."
Stay away from the church service!
(J. R. Miller, "Serving and Following Christ" 1903)
Serving Christ is something very practical. Some people seem to think it is something aside from their common life, something that belongs only to Sundays, something that can be done only in certain holy moments. But serving Christ is really one's very life--or it is nothing. It does not consist merely in acts of worship. There are times when one's first and most sacred duty--is to stay away from the church service!
A young mother was regretting that she had been able to attend church so rarely during the six months since her baby came. But if the baby really needed a mother's care all those months, she would have been unfaithful to her Master--if she had neglected it even to attend church services.
A pleasant story tells of a dying mother, who left her young daughter in charge of her little sick sister. All her days and nights were filled with this care of love. She could not attend church services nor take any part in Christ's work outside of her little home. It grieved her, for she loved Christ and longed to be of use in His service.
One night she dreamed that the Master had come, and she stood before Him, painfully explaining why she had not been able to do any work for Him, because all her time and strength were required in caring for her suffering sister. "That child is Mine!" said the Master. She could not have served Him better--than in tending this little one of His that needed her care and was her special charge. If she had failed in this duty, even in order to attend church services, if she had neglected this sick child in order to help others outside her home--the Master would have been grieved!
Our duty in serving Christ lies always near to our hand. It is never someimpossible thing that He wants us to do.
There was an artist who wished to leave behind him some noble work that would live through all time. He sought for material fine enough for his dream. He traveled to distant lands and journeyed far and near in vain quest for what he sought. He came home an aged man, weary and disappointed, and found that from the common clay beside his own door--his old apprentice had made marvels of loveliness which were praised by all who saw them, and had won him fame.
Just so, many people longing to do noble things for Christ, look far offfor the opportunities, missing meanwhile services which wait for them close by their doors. Nothing is grander for us any day, than . . .
the quiet doing of God's will,
simple faithfulness in common duty,
making the best of what lies close to our hand!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Consider the Fruit Fly
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Life is a School...Don't Let the Lessons Go To Waste!
To many people--life is very hard
(J. R. Miller, "Life's Byways and Waysides")
For the Christian, all of life's conditions and circumstances are transformed.
Take the matter of CARE. Every life has 'cares'. There are cares in business. There are cares in home-life. There are cares of poverty--but no less has the rich man his cares. Childhood has its anxieties; young faces sometimes appear careworn. No one can escape care!
To many people--life is very hard. But Christian faith transfigures care, for those who are Christ's and have learned how to live as He teaches us to live. He tells us not to worry about anything, because our Father is caring for us. He tells us thatlife is a school, and that all our cares are parts of lessons which He has set for us. That means that every care has hidden in it--a secret of blessing--a gift of lovewhich our Father has sent to us. Every time you come to a hard point in your life--an obstacle, a difficulty, a perplexity--God is giving you a new opportunity to grow stronger, wiser, or richer-hearted.
We try to make life easy for our children--but God is wiser than we are. He wantsHis children to have struggles--that they may grow strong, holy and noble!
Thus it is that common care is transfigured by the grace of Christ! It enfolds blessings for us. It carries in its 'dreary form' secrets of blessing for us. Even our 'drudgeries' have blessings in their wearisome routine; we get many of our best lessons out of them.
All we need to learn is how to meet our worries, and they are transfigured for us! Paul tells us in a wonderful passage how to get this transformation of care: "Do not worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7. God's peace will then shine through all life's frets. Thus care is transfigured, by the love of Christ in the heart.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A Believers Life-Mission!
It makes me think of how we mentioned in parenting class tonight that giving our children the moral reason why is not a "one and done" event. It is a process that requires consistency and one that goes on until our children become young adults. I talked about how sometimes I expect my children to show self-control in areas that I am still struggling with as an adult. If I have not learned some of these life lessons at 40 years old why do I expect my 11 year old to have mastered it by now? Pretty crazy when you think about it!
We are all being transformed daily in our Christian walk and it is a life long process. As the Grace Gem below says, it's our "Life-Mission!" Enjoy! I hope you are blessed!
A believer's life-mission
(J. R. Miller, "Life's Byways and Waysides")
"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind!" Romans 12:2
"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness." 2 Corinthians 3:18
The character of every true believer is being transformed. If Christ dwells in you, He will produce in you the same kind of life which He himself lived when He was on the earth. This change does not come in its completeness, or instantaneously the moment one believes in Christ. But it does begin then.
Life is large. Life's lessons are many and hard to learn! Paul was an old man when he said, "I have learned, in whatever state I am, therein to be content." It had taken him many years to learn this lesson of contentment.
Likewise, it takes us years to get life's lessons learned. But nothing is clearer, than that a believer's life-mission --is to be transformed into the likeness of Christ. There is to be a transformation of character. Holiness must become the every-day dress of the Christian. We are called to be saints, even in this sinful world.
"So that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe!" Philippians 2:15
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Are You Speaking Their Language?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Heaven Is The Face

As some of you may know, Contemporary Christian recording artist Steven Curtis Chapman lost his 5 year old daughter Maria in a tragic accident last year when she was struck by a vehicle in the driveway of his home. When Steven wrote the song Cinderella it was about making the most of every moment as his daughter was growing up because one day she would be grown and gone. This tragic event gave a whole new meaning to that song. The recorded version of the song ends with the following lyrics.
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh, I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Spankings Dont Save Children...The Gospel Saves Children (Parenting Within the Framework of the Gospel)
As John Piper says in the first video, "The grace of God in the Gospel becomes the rule and the power by which our children live."
What does it mean to live by the POWER of the Gospel? What does "Grace Living" mean? If I could sum it up in my limited understanding it would be seeking and depending on the Holy Spirit of God in every area of life. To lead us, guide us, correct us, help us, strengthen us and empower us. God's grace does not ONLY mean forgiveness but in His grace there is POWER to overcome sin! (Philippians 4:13.) We can't do it on our own. As regenerated believers we do not have to live or parent under our own strength. It is Christ who lives through us in all areas of our lives. (Galatians 2:20.) We are new creatures! (2 Corinthians 5:17.) Grace gives you the desire and the power to do right.
We must teach our children this early and often. Not only by teaching them the scriptures but also, and perhaps just as importantly modeling it in our every day lives. It is only by God's grace that we can do this.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
When Ball Becomes Baal
By Jim Elliff
It's rare to see kids playing sports in the neighborhood anymore. We're now organized and "professionalized"—including uniforms, state-of-the-art facilities, endless trips to the field, competitive coaches, equally competitive parents, and the after-season tournaments designed to give parents "bleacher bottom." In addition, you've got to pay to play—and when you've paid that much, you'll be sure to play.
It is also fun, and it can be instructive. I love to watch my kids play sports. In fact, they need to play—some. But, it's not so easy as handing over seventy bucks and saying, "Sign up Johnny and Susie this year." Making that decision means that you may be out four to five times each week during the season. Soon sports becomes all about calendarization and control of your life—especially if you have more than one kid. Perhaps nothing outside of a change in your job has so much potential to turn the family schedule upside down.
"This man understands," you say.
Now comes the part you won't like: "Behold, I say unto you, you have made sports the household god." Too strong? OK, not all of you. But the deification of sports is happening to many.
How does ball become Baal? Answer: When it controls you, and you give it devoted worship. It is around your god that you order your life—and you can almost never say "no" to it.
Like "athlete's foot" on the hygienically-challenged teenager, sports has taken over more and more of the life of believers. Almost overnight we have awakened to the sad fact that, in many communities, sports has even usurped the hours believers meet on the Lord's Day. All too often members are saying to church leaders, "We'll be gone next Sunday because of the soccer tournament." In turn, leaders are supposed to acquiesce humbly. After all, we can't afford to appear "legalistic;" everyone knows that the greatest crime a church can commit is to demand something of someone.
You'll hear, "But the team needs all the players. We can't let the team down." It never occurs to them that the church Body is being deprived of a necessary body part, or that God is marginalized and disobeyed. We are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, states God in Hebrews 10:25.
Devotion is the operative word. When the team says, "We need you," we sacrifice to do it. But when it crosses the time allotted to spiritual edification and worship, the Ruler of the universe is often sent to the bench. In the process, we teach our children that devotion to sports is more important than both devotion to God and loyalty to our spiritual family. Have you considered that you may be teaching your kids to worship sports?
Here are some ways to put sports in the proper place:
Secondly, determine that your children cannot play every sport. There is a sanctity to the home life that must be protected. You need quiet evenings at home. You need meals together. Just let your children know that you are excited about sports, but there are limits. You then determine what those limits are. For us, we attempt to have only one sport per year for each child.
Finally, think about some creative choices. One of my sons played basketball, but the season was interminably long. I was also traveling. So, I would be gone speaking over the weekend, then, when I was home, I was out two or more nights sitting on the sidelines watching my son practice. It was not really "time together." This wasn't going to work.
The solution came to me after prayer. I asked him if he would be willing to learn golf in the place of basketball. We could play together, along with his brother, and we could do it whenever we wanted. We could enjoy this for the rest of our lives. I've paid some extra money, but I've bought back some time with my sons and some good exercise for me also. It's a bargain.
God Himself uses sports language in the New Testament. He's not against it, unless it steals the devotion belonging to Him. All other gods have to go!
Copyright © 2004 Jim Elliff
Permission granted for not-for-sale reproduction in exact form including copyright. Other uses require written permission. Write for additional materials.
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Miracle of Grace
Early Light Devotional
In Touch Ministries Dr. Charles Stanley 2009
The Miracle of GraceREAD | Romans 5:15-17
Paul wrote extensively about grace, God’s favor given to the undeserving. And wherever the apostle traveled, he spoke about the gospel of grace (Acts 20:24). He knew firsthand the power of sin to control and the freedom that comes through faith in Christ. He described himself as the worst of sinners because he persecuted and imprisoned many believers prior to his conversion experience (1 Tim. 1:15).
Once we accept Christ’s death on our behalf, the penalty for our sin is considered paid in full, and the power of sin over us is broken. We become spiritually alive as we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. What’s more, we then are given a new family and purpose for living. Scripture compares our conversion experience to receiving a heart transplant (Ezek. 36:26; 2 Cor. 5:17), changing citizenship (Phil. 3:20), and moving to a new country (Col. 1:13).
Paul exhorts everyone who has been saved to continue in the grace of God (Acts 13:43; Eph. 2:8)—our heavenly Father’s desire and will is that we relate to Him on this basis alone. Just as we needed to rely upon Christ’s substitutionary death for salvation, we are to live a life of dependence upon Him. It’s our faith, expressed through obedience, that pleases Him (Heb. 11:6).
Grace is the most powerful, life-changing force in the world. God freely offers His unconditional love to whoever receives His Son. At salvation, our life is placed upon the immovable Rock who is Christ (1 Cor. 10:4), and His favor is extended over us. What’s your response to this miracle of grace?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Family Discipleship
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Vertical Parenting

On October 14th we will be launching a new ministry at High Point Baptist Church called Vertical Parenting. Sherry and I are very excited about this ministry and we are looking forward to seeing God work in the lives of the families at High Point. Our prayer is that we are able to raise our daughters to love the Lord with all their heart and all their soul. There is nothing more important than that. I believe if that happens everything else will fall into place!